Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I know I've been a little lazy about blogging, and I've definitely been lazy about writing.

Total word count as of now is 10529. I think I'm going to be able to do this. I'm super behind, but have been getting a lot more writing done at work, and the story is shaping up. At least I hope so.

Big weekend. M was in town, and I had a realization that I drink too much, and am a mean drunk. So, I'm going to cool it from now on. I mean, NOT get blackout drunk on Saturdays.

My mom is back in the States, and its been nice to speak to her. She bought herself an ipod touch though, so now I keep getting calls from her, asking how to do what.

I am so incredibly tired lately. I seriously think I have mono. Or a gas leak. I have to get at least 10 hours of sleep every night now, or I will fall asleep on the road.

I can't wait to get home, to take K to FF and to see everybody.

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