I know its been a while since I blogged, but I'm back and with a vengeance.
I'd like to start this blog off with the promise that I am giong to blog more. I don't know i don't do it more, but ive made a decision to get off my ass and get to it so here goes.
FIrstly (and I'm going in chroniogical order here)
Yup, the 2010, World Series Champions are the San Francisco Giants. While I'm not a die hard Giants fan, I still am a native San Franciscan, so having my home team win the World Series is big, big news. The Texas Rangers were doing really well, and I thought they were going to win, but the Giants won in 5 games. I lost my mnd on Monday night. M and I were at Pink Taco in Century City, and when we left, I literally ran all the way home, screaming my head off.

They won in Texas. I'm not going to lie, I was hoping they'd have to go back to San Francisco for a hometown victory, but am glad they finished it off. I'm also afraid SF would have exploded too.
ZPH was born! She's beautiful and I'm so proud and happy for D & C. I can't wait to squish that little bug. D had to have a c-section, but she came out perfect, and as far as I can tell, mom is doing fine.

The first picture C posted of ZPH. She's cute though!
NaNoWriMo started on Monday, and I've committed to doing it. I just started today, and I don't know how I'm going to get 50,000 words that isn't just "poop" repeated 50,000 times, but I'm going to do it.
I've decided to bring my laptop to work to get some writing in so I can edit and rearrange at home, but now I'm just some asshole who lugs her laptop all over the lot, looking for a place I can type and smoke. God, people must think I'm just a huge dickhead.

Here's me in the commisary at work. Eating chips and trying to write.

You'll be getting updates daily (well, I'll try), on how my progress goes.
Love the chip shot.