However, the past few years, I've been living without cable, which greatly limits my tv consumption. I have all my usual favorite shows: 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, Modern Family and the 2 reality shows I allow myself to watch (Survivor and Amazing Race). And these are just network shows, forget about premium cable. I've had to wait till shows on HBO and A & E were out on DVD to watch, and now is no exception.
I finally got my disc one of the first season of Boardwalk Empire, and it good stuff. In case you haven't heard of the show, it's set in Atlantic City during Prohibition. Enoch "Nucky" Thompson is city controller, and runs the liquor, women and gambling in town. He also owns the Mayor's office, and his brother is the Sheriff. I don't know a lot about AC, but it looks like a lot of these characters are based on real people, and it's a great period piece. Prohibition always seemed like the funnest time in American history, and while the presence of the Klan, and rampant government corruption isn't that fun, the parties sure do look crazy.
The biggest surprises for me though with this show are Michael Pitt and Steve Buscemi. You all may know about my weird secret crush on Steve. He's sooo weird looking, it's really attractive. He's really good on BE, and he plays the character with enough bravado, but it's made me realize how unattractive he is. Paz De La Huerta towers over him in all of their scenes, and while I knew nothing about her until I started watching the show (other than the fact that she's a hot drunken mess on and off the show), but theres something about him on this show that is putting me off. Maybe they're filming in high def, or layering him in too much makeup, but his weird unattractive/attractive face is now just unattractive/unattractive.
Which brings me to Michael Pitt. I hate this guy. I've always gotten him and Clea Duval mixed up, because they have the same hair, and play the same sullen girl in every single show/movie they're in. But he's so good on this show. I know this is going to sound really sexist, but, he's just so much more manly. He isn't all shifty eyed, and looking lost and forlorn. He stands up straight and looks people in the eyes, which is a big departure from the usual ultra whine-y, long haired havin', looks like he's going to start cryin', mopey, dopey claptrap he usually pulls.
The point is, now I kind of have a crush on him now.

(I mean...look at this fop)
And now..

Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm going to talk about a show I grudgingly have been watching. The New Girl. With Zooey Deschanel. It's really funny, and I don't want to like it, but can't help myself. She's really funny, and cute, but it's just impossible for me to believe that she can't find a boyfriend. I mean..she's too cute. It's annoying.

(I mean..I have glasses, I have bangs, I wear dresses. We're OBVIOUSLY the same person)
but my favorite character is Schmidt. Oh good God. Schmidt is one of the funniest characters. I want to know who writes him, and how I can hang out with them.
Cause who doesn't want to hang out in their 'mono on a Friday night.
This was something I couldn't stop laughing about either. It's from the episode where Jess sees Nick naked.
But the whole show is pretty solid. All of the characters are interesting although Nick and Jess' are most notably the most boring plotline, but they still have their own zingers. I'm actually quite pleased with the show, and even though I'm supposed to hate Zooey Deschanel as a mortal enemy, she has managed to win me over.
Well played Zooey. Well played.
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