snow time!

OK. So I got caught stalking someone via the internet through their blog, and now, said blog is restricted from uninvited readers. Which is kind of dumb, because if you really dont' want people/strangers snooping in your private life, maybe you shouldn't be putting them on the internet..but I digress. I will say, however, when I opened the page last night and saw that it was restricted, I got really embarrassed and felt like I had been caught by the police, peeking in his blinds, with my pants down. But, I guess that all doesn't really matter anymore. I'm so glad that stupid decade is over, and can't wait to start this one off right. Maybe I'll add to my new years resolutions, and tell myself I won't be such a weirdo stalker...
Hmmmm..Anyways..Tahoe was great. I mean. Really great. We got to a point during the weekend, where we were joking about how maybe we had all died and that the cabin was heaven. I got really excited at that prospect, even if I missed Karen terribly.
We went sledding on Saturday, but because of the weather change, all the snow turned to ice, and I bit it really hard on the little hill. I mean, I like, lost my breath cause I got the wind knocked out of me. D & C got to come up too, so we all spent the new year together. We played asshole, the picture game, and an impromptu game of "everyone plays one song on their ipod", which was surprisingly entertaining.
Kare is good, by the way. She still has a bit of a limp, but M said he didnt' give her any advil the whole time I was gone. She stinks though, so a bath is in order. Pronto.
This weekend, we watched "The Room", which was about as bad as watching Rwandan genocide. I mean..its badddddddd. Bad but extremely quotable. We're going to catch it at the midnight showing at the Red Vic this month.
Other then that, nothing really to report. Had a blast in Tahoe, all we did was sleep, eat, drink, sled and goof off.
Got home last night, cuddled my baby inappropriatly, slept early and had a hell of a time waking up this morning. Now its back to the salt mines. Blurgh..Will it ever be 6?
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