Its a bloody holiday, and I'm stuck at work. What makes it worse, is, its cold and rainy outside, my throat is tickly and the dogs were so cuddly and warm this morning. Even Kares cut her own walk short, and wanted to get back into the house, into bed.
I just want to lie in bed all day and watch Supernatural and have the dogs cuddled up next to me. Little bit is still pretty hypers, but she's settling down. Kares is still being a dickhead about the little bit, but meh..what can you expect? I'm just glad I didn't bring her to Morro Bay, because it looks like she's still limping and she would have lost her shit at the beach house. For real.
Last night I was watching the season premiere of Supernatural season 3, and the best part of it is when they're talking about the demons that they're fighting, and it turns out theyr'e the 7 deadly sins, and Dean goes, "Whaaats in the boxxxxx?" and they all look at him, and he goes, "What..Brad Pitt in Se7en?" STUPID...
Urgh. This day is eternal, and all I keep thinking about is living in that beach house with Karen and playing Ms. Pac Man and playing on the beach!