SO, I've never seen this before, but apparently its set in San Francisco. I like the part in the end where she goes to this one building on Market, to hack into the system, and as she's leaving, there is some random candlelit vigil for some non-descript "cause". I think I saw the words, "healthcare" on some signs.
Sandy Bullock also is wearing some deeeeep ass high waisted khaki's.

God love me though. I want to see this hot mess
I also just finished reading the Percy Jackson series. Its fun. Like Harry Potter but with Greek mythology. Its made for some HILARIOUS misunderstanding of newscasters talking about Haiti's government.

I never thought I'd say it, because the movie is absolute perfection, but Parenthood is kind of a good show. The cast is really solid, the dialogue isn't contrived and the soundtrack is kind of good.

AND, last but not least....This was on tv last night and I had to watch it. Its one of my favorite movies, and probably the best part of the movie. And trrrrust. I have this song on my ipod..
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